Dear CCU-Members,
here you find an Excel-File for calculating an ideal amount for troop stacking. Just enter the capacity of your leadership from the hero or captain or both, incl. dragon. Please be aware, that this file primarily fits my own needs. I tried many relations of troops and this here suits best for me personal. But you are allowed to edit the file and add your individual troops, all you have to do is fill in the name, the strength and the wealth. Just play around and have fun. Some things must be said:
- The target here is not maximizing VPs in epic battles, it is to balance the VPs and the costs for reviving. I always kill the weakest troops and revive the more powerfull. If you want to maximize VPs etc. you have to send all of your strongest troops.
- It is just up to G7, more should follow soon, at latest when MJ reaches G8.
- Please don’t share this file outside CCU-Family.
- I added a safety-factor for monsters of 2% to make sure no monster is stronger then the strongest guardsmen.
- Please let me know how it works for you, what else you need and what I can make better. This file should grow in the future.